Why no ticket/email support?

Topic Suggestions:

  • Why don’t you have a support ticket system or use email for support?
  • support at mxroute.com
  • emailsupport at mxroute.com
  • Support email not working.
  • no ticket queue
  • “I’m not the only one capable of answering questions, so feel free to ask them openly anyway.”
  • There will not always be a staff member available.

A full write-up is available at MXroute - Why no ticket/email support?.

In short, due to many duplicate questions being asked & high ticket queues using multiple systems. It was unbearable to achieve a perfect response time. The efficient way to leverage the help of others was to generate an archive of questions (MXroute Q&A/Community) and to provide a centralized chat with multiple iterations of

“put ya question in, white-out the private information, and ya get a faster answer no matter who responses.

(MXroute - Chat). If needed jarland & Louis will ask you over DMs on the Chat platform for supplementary information.

A little bit more information about community-led support, is available at What is Community Led Support?.

Temporary Note: If you are stuck in a login loop, or unable to write to us. Unfortunately, we must manually verify accounts due to an inconvenience by a certain member. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.