Correct way to setup forwarding


I know very basic question. Need a bit of guidance.

I have created a forwarding filter! like this, With which I want emails to be forwarded only when I receive an email from that mail ID, However, when I clicked run, It forwarded all the emails in my inbox. f you can point out where I am doing wrong, I will be grateful.

Thank you.

Screenshot 2020-07-19 at 1.47.01 AM|690x347

Absolute key points for this:

  1. If you use filters to create forwarders, make sure they have conditions. The ones you’ve set there state that the From address has to be a certain one, so that’s good. If you don’t set conditions and your recipient address fails, you’ll create a loop that brings down our infrastructure briefly and causes an emergency. I haven’t been able to prevent it fully, I have to react to it. The loop goes like this: Forwarder failed, bounce, bounce forwards, bounce fails, bounces, bounce forwards, fails, bounces, bounce forwards, rinse and repeat until a few hundred thousand emails are in queue.

  2. If you need a forwarder without conditions, use DirectAdmin (or cPanel for older clients) and create your forwarders there rather than using email filters.

You choose ‘Match ALL Messages’

You want to choose ‘Match the Following’ if you are wanting to use forwarding rules.

That said, forwarding to a Gmail address is highly discouraged. They do not want your forwarded emails.

I suggest that you use the search function and search the topic on this forum … here is one random result to start with:

Thank You!

I will update it. Also It is one email a month. As I can’t add my accounting software to sync with mx route.

Appreciate the response.

Also Is it possible to Cpanel users to move to DA?

Sorry if I created panic in your backend. I don’t need everything to be forwarded. Instead ONLY email from that specific mail ID. I have updated from match all to match following. Hopefully, it will work fine from now. Screenshot 2020-07-19 at 2.23.38 AM

Also, I would like to be transferred to DA, messaged you on the chat.

Yes. Visit and make a request of Jarland. He will usually accomodate the request HOWEVER you are responsible for migrating your own data. You can use IMAPSYNC or hire someone to do it for you. (PM me if you need help).