Webmail with carddav?

So I’m looking at migrating my family from Gmail. One thing I would like is a webmail with carddav for my wife who’s into the webmail thing nextcloud can do this but I feel like this webmail portion of it is very lacking. You can’t even move email between folders or archive them or anything like that. I looked at the other solutions (Roundcube, Rainloop, Crossbox) but they don’t seem to allow you to use carddav either. Is there any other solution that might work?

We only have Card/CalDAV as part of NextCloud. If you wanted to run your own server for them, so that they would seamlessly transition no matter where your email lies, I recommend Radicale. It also happens to be a package available on cloudron.io which makes installing a wealth of self-hosted apps really easy.

Ah, I think you misunderstood what I was looking for. I’m not really looking for a Card/CalDav as I think the NextCloud would work great. I’m looking for an online webmail solution that will integrate it as part as the contacts. For instance, it would be great if one of the webmail solutions like Roundcube would use the NextCloud Card/CalDav server for their contacts.

Scenerio: Webmail on PC, Mail app on phone, with contacts app syncing with carddav

I see. None of ours do.