Using MXroute for Newsletter via Email to 1075 Subscribers

We have been using MXroute for almost two years. Solely for regular office emails. Meaning anywhere from 6 to 70 emails per month. We launched a newsletter opt-in in december 2018 and have now more than a thousand subscribers. Currently we have obtained a platformly account in order to send out our first newsletter to our subscribers and have been testing mail sending to internal email addresses only, so far. Eveything is good to go. For this purpose we have added our founder’s email address and SMTP sending works fine. Subscriber list is imported. We only need to click “broadcast” to send the first newsletter.

Before doing so, I need to verify that this is OK? In our old onboarding email from MXroute it said a maximum of 300 mails per hour. I am currently unsure if I can somehow limit the platformly cloud platform within these limits, but more unclear to me is if we are allowed to use MXroute for sending newsletters to 1075 subscribers (which will probably climb into 2000 subscribers in the following six-twelve months).

What are our options for sending monthly newsletters via our existing MXroute account?

Hey @frankblob :slight_smile: I’m not a member of staff, but I do help out around here.

Your intended use-case for your MXroute account isn’t really supported or allowed, unfortunately it’s just not feasible. It’s generally recommended that you look into something like Amazon SES, along with Sendy instead. It’s fantastic value while still giving you plenty of functionality.

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