Urgent, getting disk quote errors with disk usage at 85%

I was informed by a client that his senders were getting an error when sending to him.

“LMTP error after end of data 522 5.2.2 mail@domail.com Not enough disk quota”

I logged in the cpanel to check and noticed that he is not over quota, and my account shows 34620 M / 40960 M (85%) in the client area.

Trying to use the tools I get errors all over the place about disk quota.

What is happening?

Please respond soon. Thank you in advance.


The quota in the billing panel only updates once a day. You were over quota. I’ve set your quota to 50GB and started running the billing panel quota refresh.

Example from cpanel:

Error: We can’t update the storage space for “mail@domain.com”:“The system failed to write 98 bytes to a file handle because of an error: Disk quota exceeded”

My account seems to be over quota, but here is the screen from the client area:

I say that, but it seems it’s not updating any more for the London server at all. Will investigate this.
EDIT: fixed

I was keeping an eye on that quota, it was stuck for many days, but just now the pieces fell in place. I had received an email about nearing the quota, and I logged in to start deleting, then I saw that I had more that 5gb and left it for later. That was 2 weeks ago, and i didn’t realize that the number was not increasing…

I say that, but it seems it’s not updating any more for the London server at all. Will investigate this.

EDIT: fixed