I have a customer whose website contact form emails are being flagged as spam, causing them to be overlooked and lose potential sales.
I’m primarily a website developer, and well aware of the issues that some contact form emails present. In order to address this I ensure:
- The ‘from’ address is the customer’s domain (website@cust.domain)
- The ‘reply-to’ address is that of the person who filled out the contact form
- I use a transactional email service (Sparkpost)
- Transactional email is set up properly for SPF and DKIM (email headers confirm passes)
- In spamassassin I have whitelisted the ‘from’ email address
I’m at a loss what else I can do to get these emails delivered to the customer’s inbox. They are on the verge of switching to a different email service as a result, and if this repeats across all my customers I will need to do so to.
Any suggestions gratefully received.