Submitting Spam False Positives


I have been unable to find a clear answer where I can submit samples of false-positive detections for emails.

It seems all emails coming from Interac are going to spam, causing can impact in cash flow.

I have 2 eml files available for submission.

My ideal instruction for these cases would be for you to create rules on your account. You can do this under Spam Filters in cPanel. There’s an advanced configuration area there where you can whitelist senders/domains.

However, if you want me to look anything over as well, please feel free to DM me on Slack as much detail as you have on these emails that are false positives. You can join Slack here:

Welcome @ChaosZero112 to the MXroute Q&A,

To my knowledge, there is not an official way of submitting false positives. However, you should be able to deliver the samples to @Jarland on Slack.

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