Some emails go to old account

Hi, so I setup my email, and it seems like everything is mostly working great. I still have my old email active (provided by host) because I’m migrating over my folders and old messages in batches. It seems though that some emails are still coming to the old address, and not the new one. I’d say like 95% of my messages come to the address I have setup with you guys, and some just keep popping up in the old one. What would cause that? Did I possible miss a setting, or is it because I essentially have 2 identical email addresses active? Thanks!

Potentially because you do have 2 email addresses active.

Does your previous hosting provider have a system to route locally/externally? What types of emails are caught in the old account, internal within the hosting company itself? Have you checked your DNS Records are pointing to MXroute, if so how long ago?

Actually that makes a lot of sense, and I recall seeing that option. This helps a lot, thank you!

Hi, I’m not sure what kind of system inmotionhosting has honestly. This is fairly new to me. The emails that are still coming through are a mix of different things. Some are from a forward I have setup from a different email address, but others are coming from some Wordpress installations I have on that server. I did check the DNS records earlier and they are pointing to you guys, so it must be something to do with internal mail settings on that server grabbing them first? It’s not a huge deal, I’m just hoping that the stragglers will end up in this new account once I shut down the other one.

I think inmotion has cPanel but it may be modified to look/read different than default. If you have a domain on cPanel and you move it’s email elsewhere, any email originating from that server for delivery to that domain will by default stay local and not deliver to a remote location. To bypass that you go into Email Routing (formerly MX Entry) in cPanel and click the domain, then change it to Remote Exchanger.

These instructions look recent: