SMTP connect failed

Hi Guys,

I am having trouble with connecting my smtp server.

Ports 465 and 587 are open.

I am using a wp plugin wpresponse pro as a small auto responder, when I use my hosts smtp then everything is fine, but when using MXRoute it fails to connect.

I’ve reset the email password and now am getting error “550 authentication required” when I try to send emails into the account.

Any advice will be very appreciated.

Cheers :slight_smile:

That’s a tough one. If you need some more insight, find out what IP address would be reaching out to make these connections and message me at or in a private message here (click my name) with it. I’ll run it through the logs and tell you what I see on connection attempt.

Hi Jarland,

Turns out the issue was with my hosts firewall…all sorted now many thanks :wink: