Shame on me; my SPF record was incorrect

I was correctly informed by e-mail, a few days ago, that one of my domains in my reseller account had an incorrect SPF record set. I had it correct, I thought, but I correct it at the wrong DNS server (so I didn’t correct a thing).

Today, outbout e-mail fails with the message "Please include in your SPF to restore sending).

I’ve now correctly added the SPF record at the correct DNS server, and verified the SPF record with an external tool. It seems correct now. However; I am not able yet to send out e-mails.

Will this automatically be unblocked; or is manual action (on my side our your side) required?

I am so sorry for fudging up; I should have checked it better.

Thanks in advance

(Subaccount username: “sterretjes” is the account in question)

No worries! Solved :slight_smile: