Saving outgoing email through SMTP in webmail's Sent folder?

Is it possible?
I only tested with Roundcube and sent messages from website are not stored in there.
(only those sent through webmail)

Not important but just curious, thanks.

Not currently possible from our side, but most email clients actually do this themselves by pushing the email back over the IMAP protocol and into the Sent folder.

Many thanks, well noted.

@Jarland – To piggyback on this question, is there any other way to see logs of sent SMTP mail (ex: SMTP via gmail) anywhere aside from Roundcube sent folder?

Sort of but you’ll be viewing raw logs and experience has shown that most users are not prepared to read them. However, you’re more than welcome to. In DirectAdmin go to E-mail Manager, E-mail Accounts, and look for the “In” and “Out” links to the right of each account. Note that if you see certificate mismatch errors on outbound filters for every outbound mail, this is an intentional part of my stack and not a problem (redundant filters behind one hostname, DNS “round robin”).