Reseller Panel - Language


I’m a new member of the community, thanks to Jar for his Black Friday deals :wink:

I am proudly hosted on Lucy, and I would like to know how to add the French language to at least one template .


Great question! Sorry for the delay. I’ve installed this French language pack on the server just now:

I’ve installed it on other servers before and not heard anything bad about it, but my lack of French makes me unable to judge it on my own. You can contribute to that repo as well, I assume it would be welcomed by the maintainer.

Thank you for your reactivity.
I didn’t expect so much, so quickly:-)
You update automatically by git or should I notify you if necessary?

Of course, if necessary, I will join the team of translators

Because Ovh is one of the big promoters of Direct Admin, I am sure there are already many French people in the team…

I’ll make sure to update from the repo

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