Hi all,
I’m Relja from Novi Sad (Serbia) - first post here. Did the search and googling - didn’t help. So, a few questions (nothing urgent). I need to send mailing lists using a custom-built application (with other functions, emails are sent to clients when needed).
People would sign up to a website (creating an account, with a registration/email confirmation link sent to their email when opening the account). Then pay for services and have tutoring times and any re-schedules information sent to their email (along with notifications on the website).
Any links with tutorials, or suggested googling terms are more than welcome - not expecting to be spoon fed.
I read 300 emails per hour limit. My question is: how is this limit calculated?
That is, should I make sure the application keeps track of the number of sent emails in the past 60 minutes and as soon as that is below 300, it can send more (up to a total of 300)? Or is the counter reset at each full hour? In which case the app would have to take that into consideration. -
Is there some API interface/function to get the current sent mail per hour count?
So the application would check that before sending any emails, not relying (solely) on its own counting. -
Is it possible to use a service like SendGrid alongside MXroute, for larger mailing lists. I see they have a custom DKIM DNS entries if using it alongside another service (haven’t tested yet though).
P.S. This is my current setup for MXroute email account(s), it seems to be working fine, but any corrections are welcome: