MXroute Account Access for Specific Domain

we have sent several emails but we have no reply. We can’t access our account using REDACTED that is supposed to be the account administrator. How can we reset the password and get access to REDACTED
We need access to manage email accounts and also renew our email certificate that expired on Monday, May 27, 2019 at 1:16:58 AM UTC.

Can somebody help?

Erdet Kellici


We do not have that email address in our administration. If you are the administrator of the domain, please make sure you are using the right email address to log in.

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i am the new administrator and from previews administrator this is the correct address according him.
Furthermore cPanel is sending email as follows:

From: cPanel on REDACTED
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2019 12:32 AM
Subject: [REDACTED] :warning: REDACTED: SSL certificate expiry on 5/27/19 UTC

so I suppose both this address are administrator of this account.

Can you give some instructions how to get access of our account.


The email address has been changed. I can not give out the email address without verifying domain ownership. I will message you privately.