Inconsistent topic threading

I sir respectfully disagree … but that is ok as disagreement is good! :slight_smile:

May I make a suggestion then if you’re planning to keep this as is … may I suggest that the 'Welcome to MXroute Q&A" post be permanently pinned at the top and the following text (or something similar) be added

This Discourse forum uses a plug-in which will rate allow users to answers and display them based upon which answers are voted best, rather than in the typical forum threading. So check the most highly voted answers first!

I honestly had NO CLUE what the bizarre behaviour was until @Louis explained it. As he indicated that it seemed to him to be a problem as well … maybe this is a good solution - let people know to not expect the standard behaviour. :slight_smile:


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Just “Answer”… you can’t really comment by itself as there is nothing to “reply” towards.

Just note that the highest voted answer will rise up higher.

Heh … ok thanks @Louis. It makes some sense now that you’ve explained it …

Perhaps there should have been some announcement that you were not using ‘Standard Discourse’? Then people wouldn’t be having the issue that you alluded to.

Let’s see if I can use it correctly now going forward! Thanks again!