Importing email from Gmail?


Is it possible to import past emails (possibly including sent mails) from GMail to MXRoute? I have a lot of important documents there that I’d love to be on MXRoute.

Thank you!

This year’s nominee for the swiftest answer awards… :slight_smile:

It’s fairly simple, start by logging into your gmail account. Then:

Google account options (Manage your Google Account) - in the top-right corner
-> Data & personalization
-> Download, delete, or make a plan for your data
-> Download your data
-> Deselect all
-> Check only “Mail” checkbox
-> Next step
-> Choose your preferred options and click on “Create Export”

Hope that helped. :slight_smile:

My recommendation would be imapsync.

Which has an online tool available here:

Gmail has been rock solid for me ever since it had started. Never had any emails deleted/lost.
In fact, I keep it for storing emails, including the MXroute one (so not using their server for email storage).

Gmail mails are also relatively simple to backup to a hard drive, another cloud etc.

Gmail mails are also relatively simple to backup to a hard drive, another cloud etc.
Which tool I can use to easily backup all my Gmail emails to my Hard drive?
Anything for Linux Mint?