How to show brand avatar in the email receiver inbox

Hi Team,

If I create a BIMI record for a domain that I manage in mxroute, will the emails I send get that brand avatar?

Or is there any other way I can get my brand avatar shown in the receiver’s inbox?

Thanks in advance for your prompt response.

Avatars for senders are actually not part of email as a whole. Emails between users within the same domain on our Crossbox ( application may see avatars set there, but that’s all within an email client application that we host and not actually part of the emails themselves, so it won’t have any impact on emails sent to someone else not within your domain using That you can set in Settings > Profile.

It is possible, however, that some third party email applications use a popular services to locate avatars by email known as Gravatar. There may be others, but that’s the only one I know of and it’s fairly popular. You can set yours at, just make sure to use the email you want it to match.

I am afraid that this is controlled by the client creating and sending the email. You need to adjust the settings on the mobile and email marketing software to include the ‘display name’.

The From header is written by the client side software that sends the email, we don’t alter it on the server side. This can be confusing because we host software that does on our servers, but they are equivalent to client side email clients, we just host them. They’re not involved in email you send through other software.

They probably don’t use it. There’s nothing you can do, there is no accepted standard for avatars for email.

Thanks for your response. I’ll try Gravatar.

As far as I know, BIMI is an emerging standard that is not widely supported yet. Google is doing something, but other than that you’re out of luck.

@Jarland Another question on the same topic. If I send email using one of the three email clients, the receiver see the name I have set in the profile in email client. But if I am going to send emails from an email marketing software or a mobile client where the name is not set in profile, I just see my email id (without my domain and tld) as name. Is there any way I can set my name for each email I create in MxRoute globally so that the receiver gets to see my name, just like Gravatar for brand avatar.

Btw, I have set Gravatar, but it doesn’t show up in the receiver side. Do I have to wait for a couple of days? Thanks in advance for your prompt response.