Do You Offer SMTP Delivery Status Notification?


I am planning to migrate my small business to MXroute, from my in-house linux mail server.
We are using Thunderbird as an IMAP e-mail client, and rely a lot on SMTP Delivery Status Notification checkmark, where you get a reply from your email server after a succesul email delivery.

Do you allow this functionality on your STMP servers? I could not find a similar question, or FAQ entry.

Thank you in advance!

Thanks for asking this question! With the way that our service operates, this is not something that we are able to provide at this time.

For more information if anyone cares to hear it, the reason is that delivery will almost always succeed from the server that you are sending to, but this does not indicate it’s true path with our service. When you send out from our server, so long as our server accepts it, the email is immediately (and successfully) delivered to one of two outbound filter servers. These filters servers then send the email out to one of two load balancers. The load balancer that receives it chooses one of a great number of outbound relays to send the email to. From there, the email can take two paths:

  1. Direct to recipient.
  2. To a backup relay range.

If #1, path over, email delivered. If #2, it can again take two paths:

  1. Direct to recipient.
  2. To MailChannels.

Once again if it goes to #2, it can take two more paths:

  1. Direct to recipient.
  2. Bounced to sender.

This complexity is designed to ensure the highest availability and quality delivery outbound email, and is actually the part of the product that I am most proud of. No one currently performs this level of work on outbound email within our price range, it is truly my favorite thing about MXroute. However, some things are not able to recognize the complexity. If we offered DSN you would likely see it as accepted but by our filters, and that would not indicate whether or not it actually arrived at it’s true destination.

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Thank you Jarland!

I understand now how you deliver emails reliabily, quite thorough explanation.

If I think about it, the fact that we will not have delivery notifications from the SMTP is not a problem with your setup.
I guess, if the arriving mail server has an error, it will reply back. Also, if you are unable to deliver the email, I will get back a reply from your SMTP servers with “undelivered message returned to sender”.

One more scenario where Delivary Status Notification was usefull: if we could see in the reply that the Reporting-MTA is, for example x.y.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM or GSuite SMTP, we sometimes called the client and asked them to check the SPAM/JUNK folder, for our email. Even if I implemented SPF/DKIM, I still endup in the SPAM folder. :frowning:

So, I guess I will use the LARGE plan, as I have about 35GB of emails on my current server.
I will use imapsync to transfer email, from my server to yours. Do you impose some restrictions or limitations, if I setup a bash script to trasnfer all data at once?

Thank you!

Kind regards,