Cannot access webmail

I am having problems accessing webmail hosted by mxroute. I recently migrated my emails to mxroute. It was all working fine for the last few weeks, but suddenly today for the last 7-8 hours, I am having problems accessing email through webmail. Mail clients appear to be working fine. Is it a known problem.

I am on echo server, if that helps.


Webmail does seem to be down on Echo … just curious, but have you tried to access webmail via Crossbox at: ? That may be a temporary solution.

Hello, same problem here. Cannot access any of my accounts via webmail

I got the same problem when accessing using RoundCube but working well with CrossBox.

My apologies. I’m not happy about a string of issues, though this one is unrelated to others. Last night I deployed OpenLiteSpeed in the same manner as I’ve done on multiple servers. It failed in the middle of the night with no clear cause. For now, I’ve rebuilt Apache in it’s place and added Echo webmail to monitors so that any such issue cannot go unnoticed by me for any similar length of time.

Everything appears to be back to normal now. Thanks