Can i use mxroute to replace mailgun on my WordPress site?

I am planning to go for Lifetime deal but I have few questions before proceeding:-

Currently I am using Mailgun SMTP to deliver all my WordPress critical mails through my site, e.g. Forgot Password, Sign In, Sign Up, Notification Email, WooCommerce order details, etc.

I know I can create an email account with MXroute but can I replace Mailgun with MXroute by routing all my WordPress email through MXroute as Mailgun does for me?

Thank you!


There is one thing to keep in mind though. MXroute has an outbound email sending limit of 300 per hour, so as long as you are not sending more than that many emails an hour from your site, you are good to go!

Thanks for the clarification :slight_smile:

Means if I am sending more than 300 emails then MXroute is not a good solution for me? I see on the pricing page and there is only 300 outgoing email per mail is allowed on all the plans. Thanks!

Not necessarily … if you are close to that number then you should discuss your situation with @Jarland. However, if you are way beyond that number it is probably a good idea to look elsewhere.