Can I find out why an email was rejected as spam?

Can I find out why an email was rejected as spam?

Generally speaking the answer is no. The most likely place to include such a thing would be in a bounce message and that’s just telling spammers how to get around filters. With that said, we’re not just rejecting great emails on any regular basis. It’s unlikely that this question arises from an actual event, rather than the theory of the possibility of an event. For your comfort, here are the most common reasons that we are rejecting email:

  1. SPF Failure
  2. DKIM Failure
  3. No PTR record
  4. fcRDNS failure

Note that a DKIM failure doesn’t mean that the email wasn’t signed with a key, it means it was signed with a key and instructed our server to check it against a key in the sender’s DNS, which failed. It’s not an indirect failure or laziness, it’s a direct failure.

Of course, pop into and ask us about any specific email that you have questions about.