Are Global Email Fitlers Supported?

Hi there,

Are Global Email Filters in the cPanel interface supported?

I’ve configured a filter to block three from addresses, one of which happens to be my own email outside of my MXroute account. When sending test messages to one of my MXroute email addresses, the filter (fail with message) doesn’t seem to fire, and the email is still delivered as normal.

Global email filters will configure filters that impact all of the email addresses on your account, and this is supported. It sounds like this is most likely a logic issue. Keep in mind that these are very literal, and try using the Filter Test to run the actual headers from the test email through them.

Hi Jarland,

Thanks for the advice. I copied the headers from a test message and received the following result:

Return-path taken from "Return-path:" header line
Return-path taken from "Return-path:" header line
Return-path =
Sender      =
Recipient   =
Testing Exim filter file "/etc/vfilters/"

Headers charset "UTF-8"
Filtering did not set up a significant delivery.
Normal delivery will occur.

I tried sending a message from a different email provider, too. In the first case, I was use G Suite. I then tested with a Rackspace email.

In both cases, if I past the headers in to the Filter Test, I get "" as both the Sender and Recipient.

Could that be causing the filters not to match?

Yeah I’m not sure how you’re copying headers from emails sent externally to your hosting with us that causes the filter test to see that. I’d have to look at the data myself. Feel free to DM me on Slack. I may not be available to look right away, but go ahead and give me as much data as you can and I’ll look as soon as I can.