Are Accounts Really Separated?

Hey, never used cPanel so this might be obvious for experienced users but it is not for me.

Imagine I promote my MXroute account across my family and everybody wants to use this with their own account.

a) Is this possible?
b) Can I configure it in a way that I, as the “admin”, wouldn’t be able to see their emails?
c) Are accounts really accounts or would they just be different folders in the IMAP?

Hey @twl :slight_smile: I’m not a member of staff, but I do help out around here.

When you sign-up, you’ll be allocated an account on cPanel. From the panel, you’ll be able to create entirely separated inboxes with their own login credentials. The admin user (who has access to cPanel) would always be able to login to anyone’s mailbox, so you would want to restrict the access to this account to a single person.


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