Alternate SMTP port for arrow?

Does there happen to be an alternate SMTP port for arrow? I have seen 2525 mentioned around places, and that apparently works on some MXroute servers, but not arrow.

Is there a different one for arrow - or would it be possible for 2525 to be made to work there? It would be greatly appreciated!

587 (STARTTLS) and 465 (TLS/SSL) should work. I do not know if 25 is available, but it is insecure if it is.

I’ve opened port 2525 for you on Arrow.

@Jarland Thanks, you’re awesome!

Yeah, those all three work, as far as I know. As late at night as it was when I created the post, I neglected to mention that the network I am sending from seems to block outbound ports 25, 465, and 587. (Essentially, I have a VPS running Nextcloud, and need to give it SMTP access to send out E-Mails for notifications, etc.)