Why sent out mail has no body message?

Hello Dear Admin and Dear All,

I am using mxroute mail and I am facing the mail error problem.In my Cpanel there is about 30 email account is created.Where User A can send email to all other account well but User B.User A always encounter email problem like ā€œoutgoing mail has no body messageā€ while sending to User B.Why it is happend?How do I fix it?

User A using outlook email client with POP3 setting with recommended port.
User B using web mail with no advanced configuration.

The any other email account using web mail with no advanced configuration.

Thanks Louis,After I setting up testing it.I will reply to you on Monday.


Iā€™m sorry, but ā€œoutgoing mail has no body messageā€ is not an error I recognize. Searching on Google doesnā€™t return any results either. Is this the exact error message or has it been translated?

At any rate, dit you write anything in the emails you were sending? Or was the email body empty? This seems like an Outlook problem to me, not an MXroute problem.

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Dear Sir,

User A can sent to any other email without any problems.User A can sent email to User B at any time without appear body message in User B.Ofcourse User A wirte something in the email body and email signature include too.

Maybe itā€™s a language barrier, but youā€™re contradicting yourself here.

ā€œUser A always encounter email problem like ā€œoutgoing mail has no body messageā€ while sending to User Bā€
ā€œUser A can sent email to User B at any time without appear body message in User Bā€

Which is it? :grin:

Also, please answer my first question. Is this the exact error message or has it been translated?

Ah, I see. Because you put the message it quotes I assumed you meant you got that error message. Usually you quote something when using quotes haha :wink:

Looks like our webmail client is having issues with the encoding of your email. Can you try setting Outlook to UTF-8?

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Dear Louis,

As you said,it is the encoding problem.Your are awesome.I appreciated your helping.